Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tombstone Tuesday - Carl August Nilsson 1837 - 1876 sacrificed his life to save others

This tombestone I found when talking pictures at the old cemetery in Helsingborg to upload on Billiongraves. It says Captain Carl August Nilsson, born September 8 1837, dead April 11 1876, sacrificed his life to save others.

Ofcourse that note on the stone made me wonder what happend. A look in the deathbook of Helsingborg shows that four men died that day by drowning, April 11 in 1876.

It was Carl August Nilsson age 39, Jacob Christian Åström, age 34, Nils Magnus Holmgren, age 23 and Nils Möller, age 43. Next to thier names it says "drunkning af våda" which means drowned by accident.

Helsingborgs stadsförsamling (Maria) FI:7 1875-1887

Helsingborgs stadsförsamling (Maria) FI:7 1875-1887

Here is Carl August Nilsson in the houseexamineroll with his family at the time he died, it is his wife Ingrid Christina Andersson (born May 31 1835, Helsingborg), their son Albert William (born January 20 1864, Helsingborg), daughter Elise Josefina (born April 15 1867) and daughter Olga Emilia (born Septemer 8 (same date as her father) in 1874, Helsingborg).

Helsingborgs stadsförsamling (Maria) AI:65 page  287

In the newspapers there was a small article, apparently there was a storm causing a lot of problem with the ships outside Helsingborg and it mentions Nils Möller and Jacob Christian Åström drowning as well as two other sailors not mentioned by name, but I guess that would have to be Carl August Nilsson and Nils Magnus Holmberg,

Blekingeposten April 17 1876

1 comment:

  1. Hittade detta när jag leta uppgifter till ett föredrag. Nils Möller är bror till min ana. Det finns en lång artikel i Öresundsposten. Kul att även du varit och forskat kring detta.

    Hela artikeln får inte plats här, men finns avskriven här: https://arkivdigital.se/blogg/dodnotis_tidningsnotis

